Post Mortems
Received the following note from the Department of Health Services: Dear Dr Meyer: Medi-Cal’s Medical Case Management Program has been coordinating the medical services needed by your patient, xxxx since August 6. Effective October 28, Medi-Cal will no longer provide case management for the following reason: PATIENT EXPIRED. This decision does not affect your patient’s […]
The Obesity Epidemic
When I had my annual physical examination earlier this year, my doctor told me that I should lose 25 to 30 pounds. Having recently listened to an audiotape on the subject, I remembered that it takes 10-12 calories per pound to maintain one’s weight. I calculate that my current diet was about 2500 calories per […]
Happy 224th Birthday
This month is the 224th anniversary of the most successful experiment ever –The United States of America. Harry Newton, editor of Technology Investor, now in its sixth month, states we are presently enjoying the longest peacetime boom ever. A higher percent of us are working. Unemployment is at its lowest in 30 years. Productivity is […]
The Political Football
“The Doctor’s Dilemma,” an article featured in a recent issuer of The Economist, discusses the outcome of a fortnight of frenzied debate about the state of the National Health Service (NHS). There are, apparently, two things that “everybody knows.” The first is that Britain spends too little on health; the second is that Prime Minister […]
Drugs, More Drugs, More Criminals, More Prisons
The new Y2K Medicare Bulletin was received in November. Except for the first page, all subsequent pages listed the year as 1900. The revised Y2K Medicare Bulletin had a special letter inserted stating that this was NOT a Y2K error, but “”a printing oversight.”” Unless the intelligence of a bureaucrat is in the imbecile range, […]
The Third Millenium
News Flash of the Century: Norcal recently announced that starting in January 2000, they will provide physicians with administrative defense coverage, up to $25,000, at no additional cost. This should be the first step in leveling the playing field where the Medical Board, hospitals, and other third-parties have financially depleted physicians of income and retirement […]