Lawyers, Patients, Aging, Native Americans, Mal-Practice and First Heart Surgery
Lawyers Win, Patients Lose Sherman Joyce, President, American Tort Reform Association, reminds the readership of Southern California Physician that the current de facto regulators of the American health care system are a small army of fabulously wealthy personal-injury lawyers. Doctors in Nevada, Texas, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Mississippi and New York are leaving their state because of increases in malpractice […]
Female docs for female patients, growing food portions, an obesity epidemic, horrors of HIPAA
What Do Women Want? Liz Szabo asks, “What do women want?” in Southern California Physician. When it comes to menopause, mammograms and premenstrual syndrome, many female patients prefer a female physician. In fact, many gynecological practices now market themselves as all-female. Shawne Bryant, MD, a solo practitioner in Virginia Beach who markets her practice as “healthcare […]
The cost of mandated interpreters, the nation’s largest IPA, loss of collegialtiy in Sonoma County, a possible new hospital in Humboldt and teenage fascination with sex
Mandated Interpreters Close a Physician’s Practice It is now considered the law of the land for physicians to provide free certified medical interpreters for any non-English speaking patient. Brian A. Shaw, MD, President of the Fresno-Madera Medical Society, reports that Dr. Kwock, the son of an American-born Chinese immigrant, and his sister have served for […]
Russian Health Care, Rancho Los Amigos, HIPAA, Hispanic Employees and Adolescent Sex
Russian Health Care The Bulletin of the Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society has run a series of articles by J Kim Bauriedel, MD, FACS, reporting on the five weeks he spent in Siberia as part of a Rotary International exchange. In a recent issue he wrote about specific public health issues affecting life span. He says most […]
The Medical Board – Medicine Chasms – The Drug War
Tell Us Your Story The Bulletin of the Humboldt-Del Norte Country Medical Society has a column in which physicians report their bad experiences with the Medical Board of California (MBC). Dr. John Schafer, a pediatrician covering for another physician, was called by a five-year-old‘s father to prescribe an antibiotic for an eye infection. Because the child had […]
Practice Issues
Swan Song The last “Voices” column was to be my final contribution to Sierra Sacramento Valley Medicine, completing a ten-year labor of love. When I mentioned this to our new editor and managing editor, they asked me to continue reviewing the other county and regional society journals. So I will continue to report on the […]