Because Dr Meyer has had personal experiences in a variety of practice formats and all types of hospital care, he is uniquely positioned to speak authoritatively on a variety of healthcare issues that confront our nation. If you are from the United States, you may register your interest to stay informed at Info@HealthPlanUSA.net.
International Network
For 30 years Dr Meyer attended a variety of international conferences from Montreal, London, Amsterdam, Florence and Munich to Lima and Tokyo. He interfaced with doctors from as many as 60 foreign countries concerning the healthcare problems unique to their environment. Most foreign healthcare is government controlled and is even more restrictive than our HMOs, which are showing a loss of subscribers. HMOs have been a dismal failure, much as the socialistic attempts in all major countries.
When Canada implemented their single-payer national health plan, there was 80% support. Now, 10 years later, only 20% of Canadians support the government system. If you are from Canada, you may register your interest to stay informed by sending an email to Info@HealthPlanCanada.net.
After 50 years, by most estimates including that of many of their own physicians, the British National Health Service is now a third world healthcare system. If this disturbs you, register your interest and stay informed by sending an email to Info@HealthPlanUK.net.
Doctors from Germany, Denmark, Sweden and other European countries say that American doctors are too patient oriented. Unlike their American counterparts, these physicians see patients on a schedule that benefits themselves. They can afford to do so since there is no alternative care for the patients. At a recent meeting, these doctors reported a more hostile environment. If you are from Europe, you may register your interest to stay informed by sending an email to Info@HealthPlanEURO.net.
We have interfaced with doctors from Korea, Taiwan, Japan and other parts of Asia. They have told us that administrators direct them to see up to 12 and 15 patients an hour, or whatever the waiting queue may require. One doctor reported averaging 30 patients an hour. He directed an assistant to write prescriptions and order tests. Personally, he never made an entry into a patient’s chart. If you are from the Pacific Rim, you may register your interest to stay informed by sending an email to Info@HealthPlanASIA.net.
Australian doctors, also in a state system, have their own unique challenges. According to a few doctors from down under, they are less restrictive. Having several patients from Australia, it seems Aussies get most of their care in the United States during their yearly journey to California. You may register your interest and stay informed by sending an email to Info@HealthPlanAussie.net.
When I toured the San Juan Hospital in Lima, Peru, the chest surgeon did not even have a bronchoscope with which to make a diagnosis. (At that time, all eight hospitals in Sacramento had fiber optic bronchoscopes.) In order to get a biopsy on a patient they presented to me, he informed me that he would have to open the chest surgically. At the time of my visit, only two of seven x-ray rooms were operative. They were elated, however, whenever more than one room was functional. There was not one research journal printed in South America when I attended the Pan American Chest Conference. You may register your interest to stay current by sending an email to Info@HealthPlanAmerica.net.
We are now the only country that can salvage the doctor-patient relationship and bring the best possible healthcare at the most affordable price to our patients. If we solve our own problems, we may export our success to the rest of the world. If you are interested in the Global Viewpoint, you may register your interest and stay current by sending an email to DelMeyer@HealthPlanUSA.net.