Foreword to “The Encyclopedia of Stress and Stress-Related Diseases” (2nd Edition)
by Ada Kahn, PhD The topic of stress seems to be discussed more frequently in homes, workplaces and schools. As today’s world becomes more complex in terms of changing economies, organizational structure, competition and safety, stress seems to be escalating. Issues of personal, family and national safety face us on a daily basis. Airline travelers […]
Foreword to “Encyclopedia of Work-Related Injuries, Illnesses and Health Issues”
by Ada Kahn, PhD Injuries are a ubiquitous phenomenon in almost every work environment. When the field of industrial medicine began, the primary concern was to provide first aid after an accident, such as physical trauma or chemical body injury, and to diagnose occupational diseases, such as skin allergies, contact dermatitis, occupational asthma or pneumoconiosis. […]
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