Medical Training
Dr. Meyer graduated from Kansas University Medical School and obtained his internship and internal medicine training at Wayne County General Hospital in Michigan. He was a resident in pulmonary medicine at Ann Arbor VA Hospital, a fellow of the American Thoracic Society at Sacramento Medical Center and an NIH Fellow in Respiration at the University of California at Davis. He was Chief of the Pulmonary and Allergy Clinics at Mather AFB Hospital in Sacramento for two years.
Medical Practice
On entering private practice, Dr. Meyer founded Pulmonary Medicine Associates. During his ten years as Managing Partner and corporate CEO, he expanded to eight pulmonologists, becoming the largest Pulmonary Group in the US. He has been practicing pulmonary medicine in Sacramento for 45 years. His practice experience has included solo, partnership, corporate and managed-care medicine. His hospital experience has included university, federal, military, state, county, prison and private institutions.
Guest Consultant
He was a visiting consultant to the Deutsches Krankenhaus in Munich that had 800 pulmonary patients including 400 with tuberculosis, a disease that is increasing to epidemic proportions. He was a guest consultant at the San Juan Hospital in Lima, Peru’s largest hospital. He was also a guest consultant at the University of Michigan Veteran’s Administration Hospital Chest Conference.