A Critical Response Team of Physicians?, and Re-evaluating the Role of Doctors.
We are Human, We Make Mistakes. George Ingraham, MD, calls his article “A Missed Opportunity,” in the In My Opinion column of the August 2006 issue of The Bulletin, published monthly by the Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society. “On April 27 of this year Cheri Lynne Moore, a 48 year old woman suffering from a […]
“Time’s fun when…”, the three S’s of insssurance companies, liability risks of team docs
Dr. Cobb’s Finale. “Time Flies” was the title the president of the Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society, Luther F. Cobb gave to his farewell message in The Bulletin of May 2006 “As the saying goes, time flies while you’re having fun. Or, as I’ve been told Kermit the Frog pointed out, time’s fun when you’re having flies. In either […]
Opinions on Ads by Physicians, Patient Contact by Anesthesiologists, and Best Doctor lists
Lamenting Physician Ads Dr. Emily Dalton does not like physician advertising, as she makes clear in “Physician Advertising: Compromising Ethical Standards in Surrender to the Relentless Capitalistic Model of Corporate America.” The article is in The Bulletin of May 2006, a monthly publication of the Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society. “Is medicine a profession? A business? A calling? […]
A hospital crisis, an epidural that wasn’t and the curse of interesting times
Between Danger and Opportunity Luther F. Cobb, MD, wrote on “Crises” in his president’s message in The Bulletin” of April 2006, published monthly by the Humboldt-Del Norte Medical Society. [This is an important message for our medical society. For background of the hospital crises in Humboldt, and how important the issues are to physicians who can only […]
Measuring quality care, another society’s history, and a boost in license fees
Dancing Elephants and the P4P From the President’s Message in The Bulletin of the Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society, by Luther F. Cobb, M.D: “The elephants are dancing in Washington, but it’s a minuet, not the jitterbug. As I write this, only two months remain until the SGR (Sustainable Growth Rate) formula is due to operate to reduce Medicare […]
Payment for quality performance, legislators practicing medicine, similarities of sex and medical care, the consequences of not receiving timely care
Pay for Performance In the President’s Point of View column of Santa Barbara County Medical Society’s Medical Society News of July/August 2005, Dennis H. Baker, M.D., wrote: “In 1999, when the Institute of Medicine published its reports, ‘To Err is Human’ and ‘Crossing the Quality Chasm’ pointing out the high prevalence of medical errors. Since then, policymakers […]