Does Medical Establishment Really Protect the Public?
Let us say that you get sick and go to the hospital. What is there to make sure that you get good care? Hospitals will point to their quality control process. After a patient is discharged, every chart goes through this screening. Most charts pass this screening, but some charts get flagged according to pre-established […]
Is There a Fix for U.S. Medicine
For thousands of years, medicine was variously practiced as black magic, witchcraft and a form of art. Starting with the renaissance, it became more of a science over a period of many centuries. Here I am referring to Western medicine, specifically the U.S. brand of medicine. A completely new phenomenon took place in this country […]
My 10-Year Struggle Against Discriminatory Peer Review by Presbyterian Hospital
This communiqué is in the series of updates on my case to members of the medical community and others in Charlotte. For those of you who may not know me or be aware of my situation, please allow me to explain briefly. I received my M.D. from New Jersey Medical School in 1985 and finished […]
Did Presbyterian Hospital Discriminate? You Decide!
On September 1, 1995, Presbyterian hospital called me to their imposing corporate Board Room in Charlotte, NC and dropped a bomb on me. They said they were summarily suspending my hospital privileges at 4 pm that day! Suspension from a hospital is a kiss of death for any physician! I knew that I would never […]